Basic elements on European Funding programmes - Conference 2

March 21st 2025, 15.00 – 17.00
Tender and Procurement Opportunities at European Level
the Webinar will provide an overview of the commercial opportunities provided by the tenders launched and managed by the EU institutions and bodies. After a brief description of the different tendering procedures, the webinar will provide examples of goods, services and works that are procured. The instructor will then provide quick operational guidance on how to navigate the Tenders Electronic Daily, the electronic repository of all the procurement opportunities available at EU level, empowering participants to browse opportunities and identify relevant documentation.
- EU institutions and bodies go to the market to purchase goods and services and contract works: EU tenders
- Examples of EU tenders: What do they buy? Everything…from toilet paper to skyrocket
- Overview of the different procedures
- Tenders Electronic Daily: how to identify opportunities and Calls for Tenders
Si allega la documentazione illustrata nel corso del Convegno
EU procurement opportunities General introduction
Stages & procedures
Lorenzo Costantino Chair of IDP European Consultants
Registration to Conference 1 and Conference 2 at the following link:
The online conferences are organized pursuant to art. 4.5.5. of the TU Guidelines for updating the professional competence of the CNI, with accumulation of vocational training certificates valid for a maximum of 9 vocational training courses per year. Engineers regularly registered in the Italian professional register who participate for the entire duration of Conference 1 will be awarded 2 CFP. Engineers who participate for the entire duration of Conference 2 will be awarded 2 CFP.
Il Convegno on line è organizzato ai sensi dell’art 4.5.5. del TU Linee di indirizzo per l’aggiornamento della competenza professionale del CNI, con accumulo di cfp validi per un massimo di 9 cfp/anno. Agli ingegneri regolarmente iscritti all’Albo professionale italiano che parteciperanno all’intera durata della Conference 1 verranno riconosciuti 2 cfp. Agli ingegneri parteciperanno all’intera durata della Conference 2 verranno riconosciuti 2 cfp.