
Basic elements on European Funding programmes - Conference 1

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Friday 14 March 2025

March 14th 2025, 15.00 – 17.00
EU Centralised Funding Programmes
provide an overview of the Long Term Budget of the European Union and link funding and business opportunities for CNI members. Participants will familiarise with the funding programmes of the EU and will be able to discern between the different streams of funding (centralised Vs. decentralised) as well as the different opportunities (Call for Proposals Vs. Call for Tenders).documentation.
Participants will also familiarise with the core features of EU centralised funding programmes.


  1. The Long Term Budget of the European Union and the Programming Period 2021-2027
  2. The three streams of funding from Europe: 1) Structural Funds; 2) EU Centralised Programmes; 3) Procurement & Tenders
  3. Snapshot of EU Centralised Funding Programmes: what are they, who gets funded, what do they finance…
  4. Features of EU-funded projects
  5. The lifecycle of a typical EU-funded project. From idea to funding, how long does it take and how hard is it?


Registration to Conference 1 and Conference 2 at the following link:

The online conferences are organized pursuant to art. 4.5.5. of the TU Guidelines for updating the professional competence of the CNI, with accumulation of vocational training certificates valid for a maximum of 9 vocational training courses per year. Engineers regularly registered in the Italian professional register who participate for the entire duration of Conference 1 will be awarded 2 CFP. Engineers who participate for the entire duration of Conference 2 will be awarded 2 CFP.

Il Convegno on line è organizzato ai sensi dell’art 4.5.5. del TU Linee di indirizzo per l’aggiornamento della competenza professionale del CNI, con accumulo di cfp validi per un massimo di 9 cfp/anno. Agli ingegneri regolarmente iscritti all’Albo professionale italiano che parteciperanno all’intera durata della Conference 1 verranno riconosciuti 2 cfp. Agli ingegneri parteciperanno all’intera durata della Conference 2 verranno riconosciuti 2 cfp.

Location Convegno on-line